We received notification of a positive COVID – 19 case in our elementary school. The positive case involves an employee who was present today, February 23, 2021. Contact tracing is necessary and we are notifying any close contacts (both the parents/guardians of students and our staff members). We continue to work in collaboration with the county health department with each case of COVID - 19. We will continue with our in-person learning model at WACS. Be well!
almost 4 years ago, ​Westfield Central School
WACS was notified of an employee who tested positive for COVID – 19. This individual works throughout our District in all buildings. The individual was last present in our buildings on February 12th. There is no need for contact tracing in school given the time period involved. This does not impact our in-person learning model. Be well WACS!
almost 4 years ago, ​Westfield Central School
Westfield will be on a 2-hour delay today, Monday 2/22/2021. Look for text message alerts from your child's building principal for details.
almost 4 years ago, Molly Anderson
We are proud of your hardwork! Best of luck in April to our We the People scholars and Mr. Birner! You can read about their journey and priceless reactions here https://www.observertoday.com/news/page-one/2021/02/westfield-a-finalist-in-we-the-people-competition/
almost 4 years ago, Molly Anderson
Monday 2/22: 🍎 Breakfast -cereal, fruit milk and juice Lunch- ham and cheese sandwich, fruit, veggies, milk and juice Tuesday 2/23:🍕 Breakfast: muffins, fruit, milk and juice Lunch: Pizza party, fruit, veggies, milk and juice
almost 4 years ago, Westfield Central School
Attention 6th Grade Girls! Bored at home with nothing to do? Interested in playing basketball for our school in the future? Our Modified Girls Basketball coaches - Coach Reese and Coach Murtaugh are inviting you to an open gym for 6th grade girls next Tuesday (2/23) thru Friday (2/26) of next week. If you are interested, please contact areese@westfieldcsd.org or kmurtaugh@westfieldcsd.org.
almost 4 years ago, Corey Markham
It's a great night to stay warm at home and watch our boys take on Cassadaga Valley in hoops! https://ensemble.e2ccb.org/hapi/v1/contents/permalinks/cvspirit/view
almost 4 years ago, Molly Anderson
We received notification of two positive COVID – 19 cases in our school. The first involves an elementary student who was last present in school on February 5. The second case involves a middle school student who was last present in school on February 4. Contact tracing is necessary and we are notifying any close contacts. We continue to work in collaboration with the county health department with each case of COVID - 19. These cases do not impact our in-person learning model that resumes on February 22. Be well WACS!
almost 4 years ago, ​Westfield Central School
WOLVERINE FAN CUT-OUTS: Do you want to show your support for our students at games or other events, but no spectators are allowed? Middle School Student Government is selling Fan Cut-Outs that can be displayed to support your favorite wolverine. Orders can be placed using this google form. Click the link below for more information! https://forms.gle/3rEsuUydzTpwPf2Q8
almost 4 years ago, Westfield Central School
Good evening Westfield families, Your student's second marking period report card is now available through the Parent Portal. Please note that the report cards are not available through the app. If you have any questions, please contact the Guidance and Counseling Department on Friday, February 12, 2021. Thank you.
almost 4 years ago, Corey Markham
Our Board of Education is asking for the re-evaluation of stringent Covid-19 restrictions on music programs. You can read more about this request and listen in on WACS board member Steve Cockram as he advocates for music programs across New York State here: https://chautauquatoday.com/news/details.cfm?clientid=25&id=318956#.YCV_lGhKg2w
almost 4 years ago, Westfield Central School
Middle and High School - 100% Remote - Friday February 12 As stated in Mr. Cipolla’s message, we are moving to 100% Remote instruction for Friday, February 12th. Tomorrow, our MS & HS students will continue to follow their normal bell schedule to participate in their classes. For our students attending Maple Avenue, PTech, Hewes, Randolph & Chautauqua Lake BOCES programs, the district will provide transportation to these programs following their usual daily instructional schedule. Our students participating in the LoGuidice CTE will attend their programs too. We will be picking these students up at home at the same time as we did back in January when we were 100% Remote. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Secondary Office.
almost 4 years ago, Corey Markham
Good afternoon Wolverines, Our district, grades PK -12, will move to fully remote instruction tomorrow. We have a large number of employees with the opportunity to receive the second dose of the COVID – 19 vaccine. We consulted with our medical director and anticipate that side effects of the vaccine are a possibility. The move to remote learning is out of an abundance of caution for our learning environment and not related to quarantine or rates of COVID - 19. Additional information will be shared by our principals regarding remote learning for tomorrow. Our school will provide meals for students tomorrow. Please continue to watch for additional information. Thank you.
almost 4 years ago, ​Westfield Central School
Attention Wolverines! The First Boys JV and Varsity Basketball Games will take place tonight in Sherman. Come support the team by clicking on the link below to watch the games! The JV game is at 6:00 and the Varsity game is at 7:30. Go Wolverines! https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/sherman-high-school-sherman-ny
almost 4 years ago, Christopher Kelley
Third Grade Presents: Arctic Habitats Our February 2021 STAR Program! Thank you Westfield Dental for sponsoring this month's books! https://ensemble.e2ccb.org/Watch/Mp3x2J9G
almost 4 years ago, Westfield Central School
Middle & High School Wednesday Schedule - 2nd Semester This link (https://5il.co/pfj0) will take you to our Wednesday schedule for the 2nd Semester. If you have any questions, please contact the Secondary Office.
almost 4 years ago, Corey Markham
Take a look at some of the great work our elementary students in the remote learning model are doing with Miss Colt and Miss Holland! We are proud of you, keep up the excellent learning!
almost 4 years ago, Molly Anderson
Remote 1
Remote 2
Remote 3
Remote 4
WACS needs your help by taking a brief survey: We would like to gather feedback from our school community regarding our athletic complex which includes our track, soccer/football field, softball and baseball fields. Your feedback is important to this process, because it will be one of the factors in considering any potential enhancements in the future. Please use the link below to participate in the survey. Thank you for your participation! https://forms.gle/bgH5Yb7mJMR6SAwx5
almost 4 years ago, ​Westfield Central School
We are sharing a recent memo from the Chautauqua County Department of Health regarding the NYS travel advisory. Travel outside of NYS may result in quarantine. Please click on the link below and review the protocols established by NYS. We ask that you notify your child's principal if you have plans that could impact attendance. Thank you! https://chqgov.com/health-and-human-services/news/western-new-york-county-health-departments-issue-joint-statement-0
almost 4 years ago, ​Westfield Central School
Next week, February 15-19, is our Mid-Winter Recess. School will not be in session during that time.
almost 4 years ago, Molly Anderson
February Break