Be sure to check out our 2nd graders and their leprechaun traps! This is a recording of the livestream from earlier today.
almost 4 years ago, Westfield Central School
SUNY recently launched the 'Big Dreams, Small Step' campaign to assist high school students with navigating the steps to college admission. Use this link to learn more:
almost 4 years ago, Molly Anderson
We were notified of a positive COVID – 19 case involving a student in our high school. The student was last present on 3/9/2021. All direct contacts have been notified. This does not impact our in-person learning model. Staffing levels remain consistent. We encourage everyone to continue practicing social distancing and wear face coverings even when outside of school. Have a wonderful weekend WACS.
almost 4 years ago, ​Westfield Central School
March 16th will be a special night for our Varsity Boys' Basketball team and Coach North. Senior night will take place before the varsity game, and our recognition of Coach North and his years of service to WACS will be held after the conclusion of what will be his last game. If you would like to submit pictures or stories from Coach North's career as our Varsity Coach, you may join the "Recognizing Coach North" facebook page or email our AD, Christopher Kelly.
almost 4 years ago, Westfield Central School
From Mr. Cooper: If you would like a copy of your course requests for the 2021/2022 school year, please contact the Guidance and Counseling Department by Tuesday, March 16, 2021. Please remember these are course requests. Student schedules will be available in August 2021.
almost 4 years ago, Molly Anderson
Good afternoon WACS! 2021-2022 Budget Development is under way. Please visit our website for up-to-date 2021-2022 budget information. We will continue to update the information on our website as the budget development process continues. Click here for addional information:
almost 4 years ago, ​Westfield Central School
4-Day Instruction - MS & HS We apologize that the link to yesterday's announcement did not work. Here is our announcement in regard to MS & HS 4 Day Instruction starting on March 15th - Also, this is a reminder that we are hosting a Parent Zoom Meeting about our transition to 4-day instruction on Thursday at 6:00. Please contact the Secondary Office if you would like to attend.
almost 4 years ago, Corey Markham
High School Student Government is selling these awesome Westfield Face Coverings. Please email Ms. Carlson ( to place an order and show your school spirit!
almost 4 years ago, Westfield Central School
almost 4 years ago, Westfield Central School
elementary photos
We were notified of a positive COVID - 19 case. This case involves a high school student who was last present on March 5th. Contact tracing is necessary. We contacted those individuals who were direct contacts. This case does not impact our in-person learning model. See you tomorrow WACS!
almost 4 years ago, ​Westfield Central School
4-Day Instruction - MS & HS We are excited to announce that all MS & HS students will be moving to 4-day instruction starting on March 15. The attached document (MS&HS 4 Day Instruction) provides further information regarding this transition. In addition, we will be hosting a Parent Zoom Meeting on Thursday, March 11th at 6:00pm to answer any questions related to 4-day instruction under the current guidance of 6 foot/12 foot social distancing starting on March 15th. If you would like to attend, please contact the Secondary Office. Bests - Mr. Markham
almost 4 years ago, Corey Markham
We were notified of two positive COVID - 19 cases. Both cases involve high school students. The first student was last present on March 3. Contact tracing is necessary. We are contacting those individuals who were direct contacts. The second case is considered an off-site contact due to the last day the student was present on campus. Contact tracing is not required. These cases do not impact our in-person learning model. See you tomorrow WACS!
almost 4 years ago, ​Westfield Central School
Good evening WACS, Please use the link below to view District updates from Mr. Cipolla.
almost 4 years ago, ​Westfield Central School
Westfield Board of Education Meeting Update: As of the March 8, our BOE meetings will allow for five visitors to attend in person. If you are interested in attending a meeting in the LGI, please register with Tina Winslow, District Clerk, at or at 326-2151 ext. 217. The visitor must wear a mask, pass the COVID screening and social distance. All BOE meetings begin at 7:00 pm unless otherwise noted. The BOE meetings will continue to be live streamed. March Board of Education Meetings: March 8, 2021 - Regular Business Meeting March 22, 2021 - Supplemental Business Meeting
almost 4 years ago, Westfield Central School
Greetings Westfield Elementary School: Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 2 is READ ACROSS AMERICA DAY. Please wear Buffalo Bills gear, a Dr. Seuss shirt or Westfield colors. A guest reader from the Buffalo Bills will be reading the book SNEETCHES to our entire school via ZOOM. Have a great day!
almost 4 years ago, Westfield Central School
Winter Sports Spectator Information Please review this link ( regarding spectators at our home basketball games. For those unable to attend, we will continue to Livestream them. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Kelley.
almost 4 years ago, Corey Markham
Please join us in congratulating these students on achieving High Honor, Honor or Merit Roll for the 2nd Marking Period. Your dedication and effort have not gone unnoticed this year. Keep working hard, wolverines!
almost 4 years ago, Molly Anderson
Order soon! Prices go up at delivery in June. Extra yearbooks are not guaranteed available to purchase at delivery time.
almost 4 years ago, Ms. Kimberly Alonge
What A Year 2021 Jostens Flyer 2
We had a great day celebrating our 100th Day of School yesterday!
almost 4 years ago, Molly Anderson
100 days
100 days
100 days
100 days
Attention to any students interested in Playing Fall 2 or Spring Sports! The link below will take you to the paperwork that will be used as your sign up. If you're interested in playing any Fall 2 or Spring Sports please sign up as soon as possible.
almost 4 years ago, Christopher Kelley