Congratulations to all of our We the People teams on a successful competition earlier today in New York City. You represented Westfield well and we are so proud of you all!
We are excited to share that our Unit Three team of Haleigh Dellow, Makartnee Mortimer and Cassidy Phillips took first place! Way to go ladies!
Mr. Birner's We the People students departed early this morning for NYC. They'll compete in the state level competition tomorrow morning.
Thayne Bodenmiller, Jack Bourgeois, Haleigh Dellow, Maya Huegel, Jordin Lopez-Hernandez, Janaya Malone, Makartnee Mortimer, Martin Ohlsson, Cassidy Phillips and Eldon Scriven - We are proud of your hard work and wish you the best!
Today is the day! National Honor Society's Blood Drive starts at 9am!
Students in Ms.Alonge’s Business of Fashion class connected with Jamestown native Violet Nicholas, who is a sophomore at Parsons School of Design in NYC. Students talked with Violet about fashion, design, her path to acceptance at Parsons, and living in NYC, as well as careers and opportunities in fashion. Thank you to Bryan Olson, E2CCB Coordinator of Distance Learning for setting up this great opportunity for our students!
Congratulations to Tanleigh Bestine for being named Dan Palmer's WDOE Student Athlete of the day for her performance in the last 3 wins for our Girls Basketball team! Way to go Tan!
NHS reminds you to please join us for our blood drive at WACS on Thursday, January 19, 2023 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the LGI.
Visit to schedule an appointment.
Our Senior Class spent Friday at Peak n Peak for a day full of tubing and fun together!
Mr. Brisky's PAWS SQUAD put on a special pancake breakfast for staff on Friday morning in our cafeteria annex.
Students welcomed and seated guests, took their customized orders, and served up a delicious meal. The menu included pancakes with various optional toppings, sausage, and green Grinch punch.
Well done, PAWS SQUAD!
Our Chautauqua Lake/ Westfield Wrestling team has had a very exciting season.
Congratulations on your Section 6 Division II Duals Champion title!
Congratulations to Carson Swanson for being named Dan Palmer's WDOE Boys Basketball Player of the Week! Way to go Carson! Keep it up!
Congratulations to Lilly Snyder for being part of the first ever Girls Wrestling Dual Meet yesterday as part of the CLCS Girls Wrestling Team. We are very proud of your pin and how you are leading the way and being an example for the young ladies at WACS!
WACS will be hosting the Community Heart Walk again this year. Community members may sign up through this link to join us for heart trail walks in the school building:
A reminder for tomorrow's Meet & Greet
1:30-3:30PM in the LGI
Our 6th graders had the opportunity to skate for the very first time a few weeks ago! Much thanks goes to Mr. Tramontana and the 6th Grade Team for organizing this fun filled time!
The Grinch certainly made himself at home at WACS yesterday.
Our Elementary School had a successful, Grinch-filled PBIS day!
Congratulations to our students for earning this incentive. Thank you, PBIS Committee, for planning a truly magical day!
Congratulations to our Rotary Scholars of the month:
Rotary Scholar of the Month-September-Eldon Scriven
Rotary Scholar of the Month-October-Janaya Malone
We had another successful Sharing & Caring Food Drive. Our collection of items gets passed along to Union Relief for their Christmas Project and will stay right here in our Westfield community. Well done Wolverines! Thank you, NHS, for your help in sorting, packing, and delivering our collection to Union Relief.
5th grade had a sweet day making their candy houses. Thank you to the families that joined in on the fun with our students this morning!
6th Grade spent the afternoon on the ice with Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. Snyder, and Mr. T! What a fun day together!