Topic: Public Hearing - Budget
- Time: May 10, 2021 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
- Join Zoom Meeting:
- Meeting ID: 716 326 2151
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2021 Budget Vote and Elections
- Tuesday, May 18, 2021
- Westfield Academy and Central School
- Gym Atrium - 12 - 8pm
Our District plans to conduct in person budget voting and board member elections. If guidance from New York State were to prevent us from doing so, we will notify our community as soon as possible. The absentee ballot and military absentee ballot require an application to be submitted to the District. Applications will be coming soon. Please check the District Clerk’s folder on the District’s website at
Nominating petitions for the Board of Education are available from the District Clerk’s office until April 19, 2021. The petitions are due back in the District Clerk’s office by 5 pm on Monday, April 19, 2021.
The District is closely monitoring all current and future legal developments as they pertain to District elections and budget votes. Due to the spread of the COVID-19 virus and Governor Cuomo’s executive orders mandating the closure of all schools and modifications of school elections, the deadlines and procedures stated herein may change as required by law or consistent with further state guidance. All District residents are encouraged to closely monitor the District’s website for the most up-to-date information concerning the District’s annual vote.
If you should have any questions about the vote, you may contact the District Clerk at or at 326-2151 ext. 217.